Environmental Policy

Purpose and Scope

Roof and Concrete Remedial recognizes its legal and community obligations to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. We are committed to establishing measurable objectives and targets, and continuously improving our environmental performance.

Leadership Commitments

We are committed to:

protecting the environment in which we operate;

  • fulfilling our legal and other requirements;
  • minimising waste by evaluating our operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible;
  • minimising toxic emissions through the selection and use of our fleet and the source of our power requirements;
  • actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers;
  • source and promote a product range to minimise our environmental impact;
  • ensuring workers are instructed and trained in environmental procedures;
  • encouraging workers to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions.

We will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that the system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate awareness training.

We are committed to complying with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. This policy is communicated throughout the organisation, available to internal and external stakeholders and regularly reviewed for continued suitability.